After getting to grips with the basics of Ubuntu, I thought I might aswell have a try a Gutsy — the new (currently beta) upgrade to Ubuntu.
One of the biggest gripes with Feisty was that it didn’t detect my Laptop graphics (monitor) native resolution. I solved that by using the endless amount of help avaliable:
I have the Intel i915GM onboard graphics chipset and although the drivers are already included in the distro, there is extra work to be done for it to run at native resolution. Luckily I found some documentation explaining the process.
I then ran the autoi915
script and all seems fine!
Gutsy however now implements the modeset changing in xorg, out-of-the-box (as I
understand). So 915resolution
has been made redundant. If your upgrading from
Feisty (like most people will be), you will need to reconfigure your xorg.conf
for the new settings:
cd /etc/rc2.d
sudo rm S08startupscript
cd /etc/init.d
sudo rm auto915resolutionScript
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Restart and your resolution should be correct!